Wednesday, January 29, 2020

A Poem: The Prayers You Made, The Price Be Paid

She prayed,
She prayed for the day they understood.
She prayed they see her pain,
She prayed they felt what she felt,
She prayed they knew her life,
And be dealt the same hand.
See the darkness,
Where the nights were so long,
All the times she lost,
All the times,
She prayed.

In time she saw they lost their ground,
With troubles in their lives,
She was confident in the fulfillment,
She thought,
This was what was meant,
Heaven sent.

And then one day,
A strange,
Experience came her way.
She could have sworn she had seen and conquered these things.
She had prayed to see them go through these things,
Yet they continued to live,
Continued to be,
In pain, they went forth,
In regrets, they dealt,
With troubles, they strived.
And she,
She was going through the same thing she had already seen was dealing with it all over again.
She tried to block these experiences out,
But the issues were too loud.
And through her denial,
Came a revelatory dream.

Pulled up in her driveway,
In the dead of night,
And before she got out,
She saw a figure,
Standing outside the driver side door,
A shadow,
With no face,
Only a sillouhette,
Standing in the darkness.
As it stood outside her car,
From the dark it said,
"I got your prayers,"
"And blessed those souls,"
"Now, you owe."

She opened her eyes knowing,
She is beginning from a place she had already conquered,
Rebuilding what she had lost,
All the times she lost.